Super easy recipes with Lá lốt / Betel / Piper Lolot ? Leaves?
You can use lotlot leaf in many dishes, from savory meats to fresh vegetables, Lotlot leaf complements a wide variety of ingredients.
You can use lotlot leaf in many dishes, from savory meats to fresh vegetables, Lotlot leaf complements a wide variety of ingredients.
It’s a hectic morning, you’re rushing to get out the door, and you need a quick protein fix. Or it’s a lazy lunch at home, and you have no idea what to eat. Maybe you just have a random craving for eggs but don’t want to heat up the oven and deal with a bunch of dirty dishes.
Hey if you come to Vietnam for travel, make sure you have breakfast, because your stomach is small, if you skip breakfast, you skip 1/3 of the joys.
Two pieces of toast, a cup of coffee and 2 runmy eggs, that is perfect to start a sweet day!